A lot of work goes into making a Flight Simulator, so the Infinite Flight Airport Editing team is crucial in ensuring the success of this sim. This week, Jason and Mark sit down for a chat with 5 members of this team to find out what they do to make sure the airports in Infinite Flight are there to use, and up to date. They also share tips on how you can join this team and contribute!
Links mentioned in this episode:
- Airport Editing: infiniteflightairportediting.github.io
- Kilt McHaggis Airport Information: kiltmchaggis.com
- FlightCast Store: flightcast.audio/shop
- Infinite Flight for iOS: itunes.apple.com/us/app/infinite-flight-flight-simulator/id471341991
- Infinite Flight for Android: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fds.infiniteflight
Featured image background courtesy of Mark “SkyHawk Heavy” Denton
Mark Denton,excellent request about spawning/landing at airports like KASP where it’s unrealistic for such big aircraft spawning where it is unsuitable…good job.
Thanks for the shoutout guys!
I agree with Omari. I also can’t stop listening to this podcast
Thanks for listening, Patrick!
No problem! I wish I could be on FlightCast one day! (When I get skype)
I have an idea for ATC:
The air traffic controller should only be allowed to talk and the pilots can respond with the automated siri thing.
Hope you implement this idea in the NEXT update! 😀
Please update some new airports especially Indonesia region’s airports such as Soekarno-Hatta Int Airport, Ngurah Rai Int’ Airport, Kualanamu Int’ Airport, Juanda Int’ Airport, etc. So many indonesian pilots play infinite flight but cant fly around our country. Im sure infinite flight pilots would also love to fly around our country (Indonesia) as much as they’ve been doing in Southern California.
And also please update some new aircraft such as Airbus A350 XWB and 787
Thank you
– Infinite Flight Pilots from Indonesia
Thank you for your comments, however, feature requests won’t go anywhere on this website. You should visit http://community.infinite-flight.com for that.
Great podcast! I’ll be listening more frequently. I would love to see updates to Caribbean airports with the addition of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.
Please read what Jason said above and request it there. Some of us are already making airports for the Bahamas for the upcoming Global Flight