David Israel is the community manager for Infinite Flight, as well as Test Pilot, and head of technical and customer support. It can be a thankless job, one thing is for sure; this guy loves his job! In this episode, Jason talks to David about what goes on behind the scenes with Infinite Flight tech support, and gives some great troubleshooting tips along the way.
Links mentioned in this episode:
- Infinite Flight Tech Support: http://feedback.flyingdevstudio.com/
- Community Forums: http://community.infinite-flight.com/
- SmiteMatter Music: http://smitematter.com
- Infinite Flight for iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/infinite-flight-flight-simulator/id471341991
- Infinite Flight for Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fds.infiniteflight
Episode featured image BBJ screenshot credit: jreilly2311 – WM2311LA
Awesome Podcast! Great to learn these things about our Community Manager and Customer Service Provider! Great knowing more about the Infinite Flight Team! Keep it up David, great work. Awesome podcast Jason! Take tomorrow off!
Haha… Thanks Zach. I wish!
One of the best episodes here. 🙂
I’m glad to have seen so many great comments. Thanks to everybody for all the awesome replies and messages. I had fun chatting with Jason.
I hope after hearing the interview more people will understand where to go for support. Definitely NOT Facebook. As I’ve said at least once every month, ” Please do not contact me on Facebook for any support concerns, especially NO PMs. I do not check or answer Facebook PMs. Don’t have time and can’t track those. If support is needed, use the appropriate channels.”
Help me, help you. 🙂
Awesome. Thanks David….and Jason.
These are great podcasts! Great information, even for veteran pilots (like myself). I’ve had infinite flight since it just came out for IOS. Just like David! The app has grown so much! Great job everyone!