Summer dreams are made by Boeing! As the Infinite Flight community anxiously awaits the release of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, Jason and Mark chat about some of the upcoming features, and listen to a little JT. It’s all about that wing flex, and the 787 has it. Join us as we continue with our summer update series and continue to give you a look into the world of Infinite Flight.
Links mentioned in this episode:
- Infinite Flight YouTube Channel: youtube.com/infiniteflightsimulator
- Infinite Flight Community Forum: community.infinite-flight.com
- FlightCast Store: flightcast.audio/shop
- Infinite Flight for iOS: itunes.apple.com/us/app/infinite-flight-flight-simulator/id471341991
- Infinite Flight for Android: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fds.infiniteflight
Featured image credit: Skyhawk Heavy
What does transgender have to do with flight
If you listen at the 7:00 mark, I said,
While it’s not flight-related, it most certainly is Infinite Flight related. Not only that, but if I can say or do something that will spread some love and hopefully, acceptance on the podcast (even if the topic is usually airplanes), I’ll take that chance!
Thanks for the question, and thanks for listening!
But good podcast though
Perfect podcast, I love that part where Jason talk about “How to train your dragon”
How excited, I noticed with Laura’s Instagram post, that y’all are working in the B772LR? Will that also be in the new update with the 787.
The 772LR and 787 will be in our next update yes
Hi there! Great Podcast!
Question for Jason: what would you think of having a L-1011-200 or any Lockheed in Infinite flight?
thanks! 🙂
Thanks! I think eventually having a tri-engine jet would be awesome. Personally I’d love to see the C-130 and maybe another turboprop of some kind. Maybe a TBM.
What about the 707???
wow! next week Misha and Carson! I can’t wait!!
When is it going to be released?I’ve been waiting for this plane forever!And will it be free or $5.99?
No one knows when thr update comes out, even the developers dont know it. It is coming out when the update is ready and that is not predicteble.
It would be investing of you add some other classic airliners and trijets like the DC-10,MD-11,L1011,and the 727
Am also wondering about the Concorde also 🙂
They have those planes in review so it might be sometime before it comes.
Amazing podcast Jason! Glad to hear how you sent out a message about Laura! That’s respect right there
How long is Mark in Al
Well… He lives there, so… Indefinitely? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
We have a mod hunter here, Jason ._.
What part of Al. I live in Jefferson county
Will the 787-900 be updated
On Infinite flight home page in the community page someone said that there is going to be a 787-10 in the update is that true. Anybody?
On Infinite flight home page in the community section someone said that there is going to be a 787-10 in the update is that true. Anybody?
Jargon added it my 787 thread so, yeah. By the way, please don’t spam 🙂
Also Jason, Mark and Laura Philippe Said there going to be global flight does this mean for live or solo https://community.infinite-flight.com/t/a-new-dawn-continued/38267
what airline
Nice! But please Air Canada doesn’t have 1 787 dreamliner, we have 8 787-8, 13 787-9 and 16 more 787-9 on order.
787’s also use both the Rolls-Royce Trent 1000 and and the General Electric GEnx.
You’re right, I made a mistake on the ACA Dreamliner. “We”? Do you work for Air Canada? If so, we should schedule an interview!
So I’m thinking about getting live again, but I think I’m gonna wait until this update lands. I can’t wait. But as I know you don’t know when it will come to us on iOS. So Can you give me a rough estimation on how long these fix ups will take. Like two weeks or so?
Literally the developers don’t even know when it’ll be released. The only answer you’ll ever get is, “when it’s ready.” 🙂
Hey ladies and gentleman,
Great app! Was wondering if the creator of the app can create a engine start up 1, 2. Also engine cut off for before and after flights. That would be fantastic.
Hey Justin!
Have a listen here: http://flightcast.audio/podcast/episode-14-infinite-flight-developers-part-2/ around the 40 minute mark. The developers talk about what goes into engine on/off and why it’s not in the sim YET 🙂
Thanks for listening.
One Word A350 !!!
Lol my friends and I call it the 787 in sunglasses. 🙂
I understand that we dont have a specific date for the release of the update, but do we have a range of when we think it might come out? Like tomorrow to 2/3 months?