Sometimes all it takes is a great idea. Sometimes you need the right chemistry. Thankfully for Infinite Flight fans, Matt Laban and Philippe Rollin had both. Join us this week as we have a feature chat with these Infinite Flight developers in part 1 of our developer series. Matt and Philippe talk to us about the beginnings of Flying Development Studio and what makes this great flight simulator tick. We also dive into the highly anticipated launch of the Airbus A320.
Links mentioned in this episode:
- Matt Laban on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mattlaban/
- New IF User Account Website: https://account.infinite-flight.com
- Infinite Flight for iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/infinite-flight-flight-simulator/id471341991
- Infinite Flight for Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fds.infiniteflight
Episode featured image credit: Dmitriy Yanov-Yanovskiy (N584CE)
Awesome podcast, Jason! Can’t wait for more from the Developer Series. 🙂
Thanks, Henrik, and thanks for the episode question!
I like this podcast, but could you guys post this on soundcloud
Thanks for listening! Unfortunately we won’t be posting to soundcloud because that would make tracking listens more difficult. Currently you can listen on iTunes, on this website, and on YouTube. Cheers!
Awesome podcast! Loved listening to the developers of this wonderful game! Can’t wait for the next DEVELOPER Episode! 😉
Great Podcast! Can’t wait for the next episode
I can’t believe that was an hour long, it just went by so fast. Thanks to Matt and Philippe for doing this and to Jason for another great podcast!
i didnt understand speaked english)
can you please say if anyone regards global flight?
Hello. Check out part 2 in this series. They talk about global flight a little bit!