In today’s episode, Jason and Mark are joined by Tyler Shelton and Joe Reilly to give an Infinite Flight Update on what’s coming and some clarification on the newly implemented and controversial ground speed rule on the Advanced Server. Listen in to hear about a potential tail number contest that’s in the works, as well as some talk about global flight!
Links mentioned in this episode:
- Infinite Flight YouTube Channel: youtube.com/infiniteflightsimulator
- Infinite Flight on Instagram: instagram.com/infiniteflight/
- FlightCast Store: flightcast.audio/shop
- Infinite Flight for iOS: itunes.apple.com/us/app/infinite-flight-flight-simulator/id471341991
- Infinite Flight for Android: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fds.infiniteflight
Listening to the podcast now! I’d like to say that I have an iPhone 5s and I don’t get an memory warnings, and I have less than 1 GB left on my Phone…
When the two guys (sorry I don’t know who was talking) were saying that they flew from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore they were together, is that a new feature coming or were they flying different planes.
It’s not a feature you just make the plan together and fly close for formation 🙂
I can´t play the podcast, there is no play button available.
Sorry to hear that. If you’re having trouble, please consider checking the podcast out on iTunes or a podcast app for android. Alternatively it is available on youtube.
Thanks Jason, much appreciated.
No play button for me as well and the YouTube link doesn’t work.
Sorry guys – squashed a bug. The player should appear now. And YouTube has suspended our account for an unknown reason. No luck having it reactivated so far.
No play button, also the YouTube link doesn’t work,
Oh that stevo he’s real good, I wouldn’t miss it if he comes here.
Please I need kuwait airways 747-400 9k-ADE