Boeing vs Airbus: the ultimate showdown in aviation! What better way to battle it out than to invite a pair of real life Boeing and Airbus pilots to the show? In today’s episode, I invited back to the podcast, 777 First Officer and Infinite Flight ATC, Melvin aka HeavyDriver. Joining him is A380 First Officer and also IFATC, Aernout. Buckle up for lots of great facts, and some real world procedures that will help you with your next flight in one of these great aircraft.
Links mentioned in this episode:
- FlightCast Store: flightcast.audio/shop
- Infinite Flight for iOS: itunes.apple.com/us/app/infinite-flight-flight-simulator/id471341991
- Infinite Flight for Android: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fds.infiniteflight
Middle East? A380? He works for Qatar, Emirates, or Ethiad.
Atlanta? 777? Delta for sure.
He sounds Rusian, its probally his accent
Is the A380 fitted with airbags in the cockpit console for impact?
No sir, but we have 5 points seatbelts. Passengers in first & business class have airbags in their seatbelts tough
This is sooooooooooo aweeeesomeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Warm hugs from Mexico!
Another amazing podcast, keep it up! =D
Thanks for this podcast, I really enjoy these podcasts, my name is Cpt Mark – First Officer, hope to fly with you guys some time, I fly IF with my Pro tech full controllers with all the simulated modules, take care, Fly Away with IF Airways. 🙂
Its amazing!
Wow…it’s educational for an aspiring pilot like me.
Awesome! Thanks for listening!
Ok… This was a really great episode…! Cool stuff gentlemen! ~LR
Great Information !
Keep this Podcasts up, please 🙂
This is so educational, now i can say that our future pilots will be excellent. But Why does listening to this scare me jeez, the 787 battery story was so scary.
Airbus is the best! The Airbus pilot works for Emirates.