Do you have what it takes to perfect the ultimate landing under difficult conditions? Let’s see it in the Infinite Flight Landing Contest! Enter for your chance to win A MONTH OF LIVE on Infinite Flight for Free! If you already have a year subscription, your subscription date will magically be extended by one month!
Contest is closed. Congratulations to Ryan Yeo! Ryan has won a month of free live. Sign up for our newsletter to the right (or below on mobile) to know when our next contest is starting!
Fly the straight in approach over the mountain range to Runway 18 at Little Hands 59CA in the San Francisco region. Film your best landing and post it to any video publishing platform (Facebook, Youtube, Vimeo, etc). Be careful not to hit the mountain or overshoot the runway! Check out the video by Tyler Shelton below for a great demonstration.
- You may record your video using a screen recorder, or with another device to film your landing.
- Landing must be in solo mode.
- Aircraft is restricted to the Cessna 208
- Wind must be set to 180° at 5kts. Solo mode entries must include the wind settings in the video at some point (switching to the HUD view briefly would accomplish this).
- Weight configuration is at pilot’s discretion.
- Video must not be edited in any way. Edited videos will be disqualified.
- Landing must be at the region, airport, and runway specified to qualify for judging.
- You can use any camera angle you like, but we must be able to see your landing from outside the aircraft at touchdown so we can properly judge your landing.
- The contest will be judged by FlightCast officials and will be objectively and entirely based on their opinion of which landing was the best. The decision will be final.
- Participants must comply with all contest rules, and use the form below to submit their entry. All other types of submissions will not qualify.
- Only one entry will be accepted per person. Original submission will be used.